I r r e g u l a r
D i s p a t c h e s from the B o r d e r l a n d s -

Those secret, shifting places where horses and humans meet.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spending time in the field with the horses is what I did today, an intoxicatingly warm sunny early spring day. I also brought TigerLily, my equine partner, into the barn for a good brushing and to visit with a friend's gelding.

Spring is definitely here in the north - within minutes they were nuzzling and nipping each other over the gate with heavy-lidded eyes, ear-splitting squeals and a few kicks for show.

Horse-love is tender and terrible, and mercifully short-lived. And, if TigerLily is representative of all Equines in these matters, horse-love is also cured by treats...

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